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4 min read
Self-harm and its many unfamiliar faces (trigger warning)
For as long as I can remember I had my walls up, slowly over time I built them higher and made them stronger, determined no one would ever p

3 min read
5 Insights About Addiction
Addiction often seems like a simple problem from the outside. It looks like a case of lack of impulse control. But while low impulse control

3 min read
Book Review: The Lucifer Effect, How good people turn evil
As a counsellor and Forensic Mental Health Practitioner working within the UK's Criminal Justice Service, I have been given a chance to

4 min read
Mindful Parenting: What My Sons Little Accident Taught Me
my older son Santi, came down to my office in tears. He doesn´t cry very often; so, I knew something was off. I left what I was doing, and v

3 min read
The importance of 'Radical Acceptance' and 'Compassionate Rule Breaking'
Now, while this true story is lighthearted, it did get me thinking about the rules we make for ourselves. Often these can start out as attem
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