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2 min read
POEM: Trauma
Trauma is a wound.. An injury to the mind, soul, body and heart, Distributed memories scattered apart.

5 min read
The Masks We Wear
Through recent years there have been many losses and changes, so where do I hold my grief? When and where do I feel it? Can it be allowed ou

6 min read
Grief and the search for nightingales: How being in nature can bring comfort after the loss of a lov
When I do guided imagery with my clients I often recommend finding somewhere in nature. It doesn’t suit everyone. When it does I enjoy askin

4 min read
Coping with Christmas: Advice, managing Grief during the festive season
Grief is a personal experience. Everyone travels through it in their own way and having to consider what other people expect or need from yo

7 min read
Children In Grief
Although I wouldn't say that experiencing Grief is a Mental Health Condition, it is absolutely true to say that when Grief is not proces
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