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3 min read
Safety: Finding Connection In Grief
She came back the next week a changed woman. She said they played some and the son gave her a hard time about not being able to play like h

3 min read
How do you cope with Change and Challenge in your Life?
I believe my life is also about making the best of what I've got. One favourite saying of my Dad’s was, “when Life throws you lemons, ma

4 min read
Karuna Cards – Creative Ideas to Transform Grief and Difficult Life Transitions by Claudia Coenen
The author’s inspiration came partly from the loss of her own husband, and in the context of Jung’s ‘wounded healer’ archetype, I feel that

7 min read
Alcohol and Me: Recovery, it is a choice you have to make
I struggled from anxiety that led to self-harm, triggered by low self-esteem, bullying, family problems and bereavement. I never felt like I

3 min read
Using Creative Expression To Manage Grief
One of our initial acknowledgements was that grief affects everyone in different ways. We found ourselves on discrete islands within the spa
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