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3 min read
...a day in my life with intrusive thoughts
Today has been a hard day. Why? Put simply, I have had a lot of intrusive thoughts. What is an intrusive thought?For me, it is basically an

12 min read
Care When Working With Trauma
Without adequate training and awareness there is the risk that the therapeutic space can retraumatise clients who have endured trauma and/or

3 min read
Into the Dark (out of the blue)
Today has been one of these days. Literally – out of the blue I have been plunged into a pit of black.

6 min read
Surviving as a Student with Mental Illness
School has always stressed me out. I love it, I'm really good at it, but my mental health often gets in the way. I have a BA in English

3 min read
...a day in my life with BPD
Struggling with anxiety, depression and borderline personality disorder is like having a war going on inside your head all the time. It is
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