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4 min read
A Unique Dementia Cafe Will Be Built in London
Britain is in a social care crisis. Figures suggest there are now nearly a million people that have dementia in the UK and the number is gro

5 min read
My Experiences of Dynamic Running Therapy
Since I started my counselling training last September I have also taken up running. This began as a self-motivated jog and walk in the park

6 min read
Sleep - Tips and Hacks
Years ago, when I woke in the middle of the night I would start imagining how exhausted I would be the following day, calculating the remain

4 min read
What Happens to Your Brain When Anxiety Attacks?
Although an anxiety attack does evoke the same flight, freeze or fight emotions that stress does, there are differences between the two. Str

3 min read
Sleep On It
My alarm clock is possibly one of the worst sounds I hear in my day. I would say darkness and noise are perhaps the worst morning...
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