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4 min read
When the tears of my migrant client become my own
Today, for the first time in my clinical practice, I felt how the tears of my client felt very much like my own. My client, like myself, is

3 min read
Alone vs. Loneliness
In all of the research regarding this topic, it boiled down to this: Alone is a state of being and loneliness is a state of mind. Let’s unwr

5 min read
3 Effective Ways to Combat Burnout
Almost a hundred years ago Sigmund Freud wrote the following as a reflection of his work in psychotherapy and warning for future therapists:

4 min read
Make ‘Me Time’ an Essential Part of Your Day
It always strikes me how many of my massage and aromatherapy clients report feeling better as soon as they lie down on the massage couch. Th

3 min read
Humour in the Therapy Room
Imagine (or perhaps you already readily witness) the positive effects that humour might also have on your clients’ sense of safety and ease
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