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3 min read
Developing Happiness & Resilience in Children
It’s every parent’s or guardian’s wish that our children are healthy and happy, that they enjoy their childhood and that we help them to cre

4 min read
Book Review: The Foster Child by Jenny Blackhurst
This book is about human nature and the assumptions and prepositions that we all make, both in our day to day actions and beliefs in life. T

5 min read
Is Mental Health Education the key to ending Stigma?
Speaking out and asking for help is a massive step, I have been suffering with depression for the last few months and it has been a lonely a

4 min read
Cuddle, Calpol or Call the Doctor: what medicine do we need?
Today I received a call from my son while he was at school: he was feeling ill and wanted to come home. We went through the usual to-ing and

7 min read
Children In Grief
Although I wouldn't say that experiencing Grief is a Mental Health Condition, it is absolutely true to say that when Grief is not proces
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