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5 min read
School Counsellor: Lone Wolf or Team Player?
Sometimes, when I’ve been in a room with a client all that hangs in the air after they’ve left is the echo of their tears or the weight of t

2 min read
Book Review: Outsmarting Worry by Dawn Huebner PhD
“Outsmarting Worry” is aimed at a specific audience of 9-13 year olds and has a good mix of informative text, delivered in a chatty style an

6 min read
'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' A Metaphor for Trauma and Healing
When we enter therapy and begin to explore our difficulties, we are likely to be faced with some painful feelings, thoughts, memories or per

4 min read
Mindful Parenting: What My Sons Little Accident Taught Me
my older son Santi, came down to my office in tears. He doesn´t cry very often; so, I knew something was off. I left what I was doing, and v

3 min read
Book Review: Practical Supervision For Counsellors Who Work With Young People
What I have found is that although the setting (and my title!) may have changed over the years, the young people I work with and the issues
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