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5 min read
My Courage To Tell - How I overcame my childhood trauma
One imagines a bully as a person that punches. Someone who would physically hurt you. But my bully was a psychological abuser. The invisible

5 min read
Mindful parenting - a work in progress
Allow me to propose something to you: let´s invest in ourselves as adults and parents. To learn more about ourselves, and from that position

5 min read
Bereaved Parents and their Continuing Bonds - Love after Death
But the parents I knew shared a strong desire to make the small life that had been lost remembered and matter; to make sure their child was

1 min read
Gender and Children’s Books: Call for Participants
Despite improvements in the past decade, gender inequality is still pronounced in the United Kingdom and across the world. For instance, in

5 min read
Helping children to stretch their moral courage
Our children are born with their own moral compass, beautifully untouched and set to true north.Their developmental progression, us parents
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