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11 min read
How to blog like a Counsellor
When I started out in private practice 2 years ago, my wife, who is something of a computer expert, said I should write blog articles. She t

3 min read
Conditions of Worth
As a counsellor I need to be aware of how I am being while sitting with my clients. That is obvious. If I am judging someone, that will come

6 min read
The Cost of Counselling
Many, many times I see on forums or hear from people that they haven’t gone to counselling because of the cost. It’s too expensive. Even fel

4 min read
The Gallows Laugh
I’ve recently been introduced to the concept of the ‘gallows laugh’. Like when a word you’ve never seen before keeps cropping up in books, t

4 min read
5 Misconceptions of Art Therapy
What do you think of when you hear the words “art therapy”? Do you think of a therapist for artists? A psychologist who holds up inkblot ima
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