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8 min read
Adding back the body to the counselling client!
The nature of counselling According to Professor John McLeod, one of the leading advocates and teachers of counselling and psychotherapy in

4 min read
What's in a Name? How I created a brand I love
I'm curious about how people come up with their business name; their professional identity. For some it seems simple, for others it'

12 min read
Care When Working With Trauma
Without adequate training and awareness there is the risk that the therapeutic space can retraumatise clients who have endured trauma and/or

6 min read
Demystifying The Talking Cure
There is something mystifying about the world of therapy and it could be holding the profession back.For people who would like to begin seei

10 min read
6 things I learnt starting a private counselling practice
This is by far and away the most important lesson I learned from being in private practice...
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