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4 min read
Grow From Adversity
Real life is very rarely the life in our heads. The reality of ordinary life is more like a tattoo – pain and beauty – scars and art, combin

5 min read
What's in a moment?
As Josh did the dishes, his mind wandered to a memory of lost love. "I was happier back then," he thought. Regrets washed over him

5 min read
Whose fault is it?
I come from a long line of blamers. When something was wrong, my mom said it was my dad’s fault; my dad, of course, said it was my mom’s fau

4 min read
A Unique Dementia Cafe Will Be Built in London
Britain is in a social care crisis. Figures suggest there are now nearly a million people that have dementia in the UK and the number is gro

4 min read
5 Misconceptions of Art Therapy
What do you think of when you hear the words “art therapy”? Do you think of a therapist for artists? A psychologist who holds up inkblot ima
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