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6 min read
Book Share - The Enigma of Childhood
"Brilliantly written, enjoyable read and very important! Dr. Solan does a great literature review so you can follow her ideas about how

5 min read
What does your online presence say about you?
The dilemma for social media is the balance between the professional and the personal. Is your account both or do you have separate account

10 min read
6 things I learnt starting a private counselling practice
This is by far and away the most important lesson I learned from being in private practice...

4 min read
Stigma in Therapy
Stigma in therapy? Let's look at this from another angle. When a patient comes to sit in the 'counselling chair' they are probably...

5 min read
Who’s afraid of the big bad blog? 6 reasons why therapists should write
If emotions are king in the therapy room then words will be queen outside. Many therapists are hesitant to write and allow words out of...
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