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10 min read
6 things I learnt starting a private counselling practice
This is by far and away the most important lesson I learned from being in private practice...

5 min read
Journaling for Wellbeing
Writing something down moves it from our inner world onto the page. This begins a process of change. We have begun to bring words and order

3 min read
Achievement And Expectations
I have been fortunate to secure some paid work but recognise that perhaps this is the exception not the rule. The need for paid work becomes

5 min read
Get off the sofa!
That was it - the final straw! I had to do something or risk getting a 'diagnosis' myself. I can't remember the exact circumstances, but...

3 min read
Technology and Therapy - the new paradigm shift you cannot avoid
Most, if not all therapy training consists of how to create a relationship with a person in the therapy room. We call this the...
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