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6 min read
Going back to school in later life was the best thing I ever did
I had worked in my office job for over five years at the time, and I didn’t hate it by any measure of a doubt – (I’m still working there par

2 min read
103,650 Signatures for Campaign for Mental Health Education
Earlier in the year I was delighted to have an article published with The Counsellors Café about my campaign to have mental health education

8 min read
The Big Part: On Actors' Wellbeing
In 2017, I spoke about my drama school experiences at the Mental Health Conference for Performing Arts at the place I trained (1996-1999), R

6 min read
Building Resilience: Why I de-schooled my daughter
She left primary school with top grades in her SATS but with her spirit broken. Even so, she found the courage and determination to be optim

3 min read
Cycle For Hope: Making Mental Health Education a Reality in the U.K.
The mental health of children and young people has reached crisis point, and whilst the government recently announced plans to implement men
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