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4 min read
When the tears of my migrant client become my own
Today, for the first time in my clinical practice, I felt how the tears of my client felt very much like my own. My client, like myself, is

4 min read
If at first you dont succeed..
“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try and try again.” If I’d have given up on my first attempt anything I do, I’d still be very stuck in

5 min read
We cannot let mental illness win' not this time, not ever!
Sometimes saying “I am not okay” is the hardest thing to get out; slightly ironic really when everyone who knows me will tell you I never st

6 min read
Psychodrama - deepening insights
Psychodrama is an action methodology pioneered by Dr Jakob L Moreno in the early part of the 20th century and which encompasses a range of t

3 min read
Alone vs. Loneliness
In all of the research regarding this topic, it boiled down to this: Alone is a state of being and loneliness is a state of mind. Let’s unwr
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