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3 min read
Couples in Conflict: What's Your Argument Style?
In order to have a, lets call it ‘healthier’, way of arguing, is to understand how you argue both individually and as a couple. Learning you
3 min read
When The Big hand Is On The 6 And The Little Hand Is On The 4
I was literal kid. I had to do things right. I knew there were consequences to not doing things right. I needed people to tell me exactly wh
3 min read
The Therapist: Bearing witness in the aftermath of violence
In therapy, your trauma counsellor is your witness. The act of bearing witness does and can facilitate recovery. How is this possible you ma
3 min read
Friendships - is it time to move on?
Friendships help us to feel like we belong, that these like minded people get us, that they have our back; but the reality is that sometimes
4 min read
Why Should We Talk About Mental Health, And what Does That Even Mean?
We are living in an age where mental health is a hot topic; more and more people are doing their best to lift the lid of taboo from mental h
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