9 min readWhat a personal crisis taught me about being a client and therapistOne of my biggest crisis while a client and therapist occurred when I was diagnosed with cancer in 2012. You don't need to have been aff
9 min readWHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT HAPPINESSHappiness will never truly be found in meeting someone else’s expectations of what ‘a good life’ looks like. Whether that be because we’ve b
6 min readThe psychology of relationships: stepping out of dysfunctional patterns and into a happier love lifeAt some point, we must get to know ourselves, we must heal and work on self-acceptance, on becoming an integer instead of acting as if we we
4 min readStruggling with acceptance: Ignoring our emotionsIf we do acknowledge that we feel a particular way, we often feel ashamed for feeling that way and become self-critical, telling ourselves o
3 min readThe importance of 'Radical Acceptance' and 'Compassionate Rule Breaking'Now, while this true story is lighthearted, it did get me thinking about the rules we make for ourselves. Often these can start out as attem