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4 min read
The emotional impact of parenting a disabled child
The range of emotions parents feel in relation to having a disabled child can be confusing, paradoxical and change in response to their envi

8 min read
I have tried, failed and tried again. The simple truth is, while I usually manage to find happiness on my own terms, at times my self-confid

8 min read
Working Therapeutically with the Rationality of Fear and Anxiety
A need is something essential, crucial, required. The repetitive experience of not having our physiological needs met (breathing, food, wate

6 min read
Grief 7 Years On
I didn’t know it then but I had begun a new chapter of my life and it started with Abandonment. From that moment, I was catapulted into an a

4 min read
The Fear of Dying: why we don't like to talk about death
The only way to get through grief is through that painful, but necessary act of grieving, in our own time and at our own pace. We need to al
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