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3 min read
Women with anxiety are strong, wise and kind.
Women learn courage, self-awareness and empathy by fighting their fears. Her strength comes from battling her anxiety when her overwhelming

3 min read
Please hold on
Selfishly, this is as much a message to me as it is to you. I’m putting this into words because I need to hear this message too. These feeli

7 min read
PTSD: My Path To Knowing Myself
I remember telling myself that I was broken and everyone else was normal and I was not. For this reason I kept the truth of the thoughts run

3 min read
Living with anxiety: my fight for freedom
Over the he following days and weeks I became worse. The panic attacks were becoming more frequent, as was my anxiety, so much so it was st

4 min read
Fear And Not Feeling Good Enough
The enough syndrome is created by us - and each time we feed into this, we give our inner critic more ammunition to beat us with all day lon
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