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6 min read
Eating Disorders - Practice In Focus
An Eating Disorder can be defined as a mental health problem masquerading as a food and / or dietary problem. Instead of pleasurable or neut

2 min read
Friend or Foe? - making sense of friendships
When things are not going the best for you right now you always talk to your closest friends thinking nothing of it but sometimes the respo

12 min read
Care When Working With Trauma
Without adequate training and awareness there is the risk that the therapeutic space can retraumatise clients who have endured trauma and/or

3 min read
Into the Dark (out of the blue)
Today has been one of these days. Literally – out of the blue I have been plunged into a pit of black.

4 min read
CBT - Talking to a Stranger
I started CBT at the start of this year, 4th January to be exact. My sessions are half an hour long, I've had four so far. I've lear
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