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1 min read
POEM: A Haiku for March
March brings chill and cheer..

5 min read
I don't have all the answers but I do have the power to change this
I was thinking about a family but slowly over 2019 things started to “erode” me. The frustration was that I didn’t realise this. I didn’t ev

5 min read
A Crying Shame: Why is it so Hard to Cry?
Crying in society as a result or pain? If you’re outside, in front of people? They’ll look the other way, walk faster or cross the road… But

3 min read
Happiness and the Tyranny of Choice
Psychologically, an abundance of choice can be difficult, as the act of making a choice sacrifices other alternative courses of action. If t

4 min read
Within the context of Yalom’s work, freedom is described in a way that is contrary to common thought. The word freedom, as we know it, has m
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