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8 min read
I have tried, failed and tried again. The simple truth is, while I usually manage to find happiness on my own terms, at times my self-confid

4 min read
Interview with Lucy Nichol, author of A Series of Unfortunate Stereotypes
I think you have to entertain to engage. Not everybody wants to read a textbook. And I, personally, find that if I view some of my anxiety

5 min read
Anxiety: 8 Lessons I've Learned Coming Off Medication (Trigger Warning)
With the advice of my GP (this is essential), I started the withdrawal process. It hasn’t been easy. It feels a bit like I made the beast ha

6 min read
Surviving as a Student with Mental Illness
School has always stressed me out. I love it, I'm really good at it, but my mental health often gets in the way. I have a BA in English

4 min read
What Happens to Your Brain When Anxiety Attacks?
Although an anxiety attack does evoke the same flight, freeze or fight emotions that stress does, there are differences between the two. Str
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