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4 min read
Fear And Not Feeling Good Enough
The enough syndrome is created by us - and each time we feed into this, we give our inner critic more ammunition to beat us with all day lon

4 min read
Karuna Cards – Creative Ideas to Transform Grief and Difficult Life Transitions by Claudia Coenen
The author’s inspiration came partly from the loss of her own husband, and in the context of Jung’s ‘wounded healer’ archetype, I feel that

1 min read
Winnie The Pooh: Quotes to Inspire Our Lives
The wise words of this "tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff" have touched the lives and hearts of many and that's not ju

5 min read
A gift we all can enjoy: How practicing kindness can help us enjoy the Christmas season
Many of the difficulties we experience at Christmas among family members stem from the high expectations we impose on ourselves and on other

2 min read
The Principles and Themes in Yoga Therapy: An Introduction to Integrative Mind/Body Yoga Therapeutic
Our bodies are inseparable to our mental health, yet are often forgotten about in our head-orientated culture. In a society that gravitates
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