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9 min read
Happiness will never truly be found in meeting someone else’s expectations of what ‘a good life’ looks like. Whether that be because we’ve b

2 min read
Dear Damian - a letter of hope
Anxiety, depression are tough to deal with. Look how much progress you have made over the years. Do not forget that almost six years ago you

7 min read
Unpacking Self-Care
The term 'self-care' is used a lot these days and this prevalence of use has also diluted the meaning of it to some extent. Anecdota

5 min read
Helping children to stretch their moral courage
Our children are born with their own moral compass, beautifully untouched and set to true north.Their developmental progression, us parents

4 min read
Life lessons learned teaching over 60's yoga
A few months ago, the members of a fitness centre for older people auditioned and chose me to teach a weekly yoga class. All swotted up on i
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