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4 min read
Expectations of a Counsellor
I often get asked by those not in the counselling field how difficult it is to put on my ‘counsellor hat’ with clients, and how I manage to

8 min read
The Humbling Gift of Deperation
My entire agenda seemed to revolve around gaining approval from the people who I was most afraid of. Throughout this period in my life I hur

4 min read
Cuddle, Calpol or Call the Doctor: what medicine do we need?
Today I received a call from my son while he was at school: he was feeling ill and wanted to come home. We went through the usual to-ing and

3 min read
This Can Happen 2018 - a pioneering event to improve mental health in the workplace
Founded by Zoe Sinclair of 'Employees Matter", Jonny Benjamin and Neil Laybourn who captured public attention through Channel 4'

3 min read
The Hearts Of Men: learning to talk it out
So, why don’t we use our, physically superior hearts, as much as women, emotionally speaking? Why do we men shy away from emotional thoughts
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