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2 min read
Diary of a Therapist: You've started your private's it going?
My client base is building slowly, and I’m feeling humbled by the material that’s shared with me and am grateful for the supervision I’ve ha

4 min read
The Mental Health Benefits of Creating Art
If you are under a lot of stress and you don’t feel comfortable talking to someone about it, try expressing yourself without words. Drawing,

7 min read
The Day I Told My Boss About My Eating Disorder
It was only a matter of time before the cracks became too big to hide, and that day came one afternoon when I broke down in the carpark of m

5 min read
At 22, Mental Health Has Been A Lifelong Battle
I think that being raised in a family with autism present within the household and being afraid of myself and the world, because I saw the p

4 min read
Return to Health - the Healing Power of Poetry
It was during one of our drives that we stopped at a local antique shop. We share a love for rummaging around antique shops, finding all kin
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