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3 min read
Depression and Me (trigger warning)
It’s not that I am afraid of the word depression neither am I ashamed of it but in my eyes Depression was just a word that could literally m

5 min read
Anxiety: 8 Lessons I've Learned Coming Off Medication (Trigger Warning)
With the advice of my GP (this is essential), I started the withdrawal process. It hasn’t been easy. It feels a bit like I made the beast ha

7 min read
Supporting A Loved One Suffering From Depression
The following insights are collected from both my personal and my clinical experiences with depression. These suggestions are not exhaustive

3 min read
Living with anxiety: my fight for freedom
Over the he following days and weeks I became worse. The panic attacks were becoming more frequent, as was my anxiety, so much so it was st

4 min read
The Big 'O'
As a sex therapist talking and educating in areas around sex for me is vital. In this piece, I wish to focus on a women's ability to org
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