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3 min read
Developing Happiness & Resilience in Children
It’s every parent’s or guardian’s wish that our children are healthy and happy, that they enjoy their childhood and that we help them to cre

4 min read
Mindful Parenting: What My Sons Little Accident Taught Me
my older son Santi, came down to my office in tears. He doesn´t cry very often; so, I knew something was off. I left what I was doing, and v

5 min read
Mindful parenting - a work in progress
Allow me to propose something to you: let´s invest in ourselves as adults and parents. To learn more about ourselves, and from that position

4 min read
Mindfulness Changed My Life - a personal story
Thanks to mindfulness practice I understand myself better and the cause for my anxiety. That in itself is not a remedy but it helped me brin

4 min read
3 Mindfulness Practices That Might Just Improve Your Life
More and more, a lot of attention is being paid to the concept of mindfulness, both as a lifestyle choice and as a solution for health, happ
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