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5 min read
10 Truths About How We Carry Heavy Things
I find myself weighed down with all the stones I’ve collected on the way out, and the way back. It got me thinking, as a counsellor, about h

6 min read
Grief 7 Years On
I didn’t know it then but I had begun a new chapter of my life and it started with Abandonment. From that moment, I was catapulted into an a

4 min read
Expectations of a Counsellor
I often get asked by those not in the counselling field how difficult it is to put on my ‘counsellor hat’ with clients, and how I manage to

2 min read
Searching: Sarah's Poem
Indescribable pain in my heart and in my mind
My mind so over occupied sometimes forget to breathe
When the darkness descends I create dista

3 min read
Please hold on
Selfishly, this is as much a message to me as it is to you. I’m putting this into words because I need to hear this message too. These feeli
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