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10 min read
Low self-worth is at the root of all of our problems
In short - everything comes down to how we feel about ourselves and how we feel we come across to other people.
Why do we all suffer with lo

6 min read
Grief 7 Years On
I didn’t know it then but I had begun a new chapter of my life and it started with Abandonment. From that moment, I was catapulted into an a

4 min read
The Fear of Dying: why we don't like to talk about death
The only way to get through grief is through that painful, but necessary act of grieving, in our own time and at our own pace. We need to al

3 min read
Living with anxiety: my fight for freedom
Over the he following days and weeks I became worse. The panic attacks were becoming more frequent, as was my anxiety, so much so it was st

5 min read
A Therapist with Mental Health Issues
I remember my early childhood as being a very confusing time, Mum would lavish me with love and attention but fly off the handle for no part
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