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3 min read
The Perfect Balance of Learning and Rest
We believe that the best professionals should be given the best support. Not only to develop their own best practice, through increased awar
3 min read
This Can Happen - A Conference for Workplace Mental Health
This Can Happen’s agenda is brimming with unique and fascinating content and sessions hosted by international thought leaders. As a solution
4 min read
When the tears of my migrant client become my own
Today, for the first time in my clinical practice, I felt how the tears of my client felt very much like my own. My client, like myself, is
6 min read
The Mature Student - combatting the pressures of a busy life
Most mature students who are studying for a professional qualification, or taking a course to improve their knowledge of a specialist area,
3 min read
Workplace Stress - are you hitting a 'bum' note?
This is what happens to the human emotional machine when we push ourselves hard for long periods of time without clearly knowing …
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