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4 min read
Book Review: My Anxiety Handbook
My Anxiety Handbook is comprehensive, yet easy to understand. A complete guide to anxiety, it addresses everything from what anxiety is and

2 min read
Book Launch: Spiritual Science by Steve Taylor
'Why Science Needs Spirituality To Make Sense Of The World' Spiritual Science brings a new vision of the world - one that is compati

3 min read
Living with anxiety: my fight for freedom
Over the he following days and weeks I became worse. The panic attacks were becoming more frequent, as was my anxiety, so much so it was st

4 min read
Self-harm and its many unfamiliar faces (trigger warning)
For as long as I can remember I had my walls up, slowly over time I built them higher and made them stronger, determined no one would ever p

11 min read
I feel trapped in Depression. Is there any hope?
Depression is today’s leading cause of “disability” and a spreading epidemic across the globe. 1 in 5 adults in UK suffer from Depression, w
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