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4 min read
Filtering Depression
This is the probably the most honest article I am going to write, I think the photo of me having a rubbish day should prove that on its own,

5 min read
Is Mental Health Education the key to ending Stigma?
Speaking out and asking for help is a massive step, I have been suffering with depression for the last few months and it has been a lonely a

6 min read
Diaries of a Black Dog
I want to spread the word and reach out to others who feel that they have to fight this alone, you really don’t and I know exactly how you f

4 min read
I am stronger than my Black Dog
I was blind to the effects it can also have on the people that love and care about you, when you are in a dark place you think people don’t

7 min read
The Silent Scream - behind our smiles (trigger warning)
Anyone being consumed by their pain and suffering will understand the need to be heard, the need to have their feelings acknowledged and val
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