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8 min read
Why Gender is Non-binary
We live in a society that keeps on teaching us gender as a binary system based on biology supposed to determine our identity and our place i

5 min read
A Therapist with Mental Health Issues
I remember my early childhood as being a very confusing time, Mum would lavish me with love and attention but fly off the handle for no part

3 min read
The hurt and pain behind Christmas
Christmas can highlight what is lacking in people's lives, magnify it and can bring feelings of shame, inferiority, a sense of failure.

4 min read
Struggling with acceptance: Ignoring our emotions
If we do acknowledge that we feel a particular way, we often feel ashamed for feeling that way and become self-critical, telling ourselves o

5 min read
Mens Mental Health - the power to save lives
The topic of suicide is not a pretty topic, it's grim, dark and sad. I can't imagine the pain and suffering that someone must be goi
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