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5 min read
What is Selfcare all about - I would suggest we keep it simple!
What is Selfcare all about – I would suggest we keep it simple! SelfCare is suddenly all over the wellbeing press, such a simple concept, bu
2 min read
Friend or Foe? - making sense of friendships
When things are not going the best for you right now you always talk to your closest friends thinking nothing of it but sometimes the respo
5 min read
The biggest misconception about Bipolar is..
A large part of dealing with bipolar affective disorder is about removing misconceptions, the biggest one being that there is nothing you ca
3 min read
Let's Walk Together For Bipolar Disorder
The more challenging the path, the stronger you come out walking on it. I was a successful entrepreneur whose world was abruptly torn apart
4 min read
My world was beginning to crumble
Dad’s in Hospital” were the words that greeted me after arriving home from my first school trip away. My excitement from the trip quickly di
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