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4 min read
What I have learnt from my mental health
The saying ‘Once you have hit rock bottom, the only way is up’ really applies, I have walked through such darkness and felt things I would n

4 min read
Binge Eating: The Forgotten Eating Disorder (trigger warning)
In my own words, binge eating disorder is an uncontrollable compulsion to eat. For me, this means that it is incredibly hard for me just to

5 min read
Is Mental Health Education the key to ending Stigma?
Speaking out and asking for help is a massive step, I have been suffering with depression for the last few months and it has been a lonely a

3 min read
Children's Therapeutic Picture Books - review by Kay Brophy
As a creative therapist who loves working with different narratives, I am always on the lookout for good stories to use in my sessions in sc

7 min read
The Silent Scream - behind our smiles (trigger warning)
Anyone being consumed by their pain and suffering will understand the need to be heard, the need to have their feelings acknowledged and val
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