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3 min read
Be a warrior not a worrier
How many times has someone said to you ‘Don’t worry’, ‘Stop worrying’ or ‘That’s nothing to worry about’ which is great for the person

3 min read
What is Anxiety and how do I handle it?
Anxiety is real. It affects each person uniquely and is always a manifestation of something that we find difficult and distressing.

5 min read
10 Truths About How We Carry Heavy Things
I find myself weighed down with all the stones I’ve collected on the way out, and the way back. It got me thinking, as a counsellor, about h

3 min read
When The Big hand Is On The 6 And The Little Hand Is On The 4
I was literal kid. I had to do things right. I knew there were consequences to not doing things right. I needed people to tell me exactly wh

2 min read
Book Review: Outsmarting Worry by Dawn Huebner PhD
“Outsmarting Worry” is aimed at a specific audience of 9-13 year olds and has a good mix of informative text, delivered in a chatty style an
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