5 Tips to Workplace Wellbeing: making the most of those sunny days
Summer is well and truly underway and it's a great time to get out there, take advantage of what's on your doorstep and improve your wellbeing in the process. Enjoying the sunshine on a workday in addition to your days off.
Workplace wellbeing seems to be on everyones minds at the moment and although there is much for employers to do, there are a few things we could be doing to help ourselves. Getting outside and taking breaks away from the work environment, could well be what we need.
There are many benefits to getting outside and plenty of research to back it up too. Well known for promoting the production of vitamin D, sunshine is essential to our wellbeing and if you live in the northern hemisphere it can be in short supply at times.
With this in mind we've come up with a few simple ideas to improve your wellbeing at work, get you out and about and hopefully lowering those stress levels too.
Take a stroll

Get lost in your local area. We don't mean for you to literally get lost but you could take a walk on the roads less travelled. It's natural to take the shortest route from A to B but there could be many new and beautiful sights and places to discover with a little exploring. Take a mindful walk and become a tourist at home.
Have your next meeting outside

You might not want to perch on a park bench with a business colleague but there are plenty of cafe's with outdoor spaces that could be just the ticket. You may even find one on that walk. Personally I'm never one to pass up the opportunity of a decent coffee and this is a fabulous excuse. Café culture at it's best.
Take lunch away from work

Not everyone has the option but if you do, don't spend your day feeling like you're missing out on the best of the sunshine. Make the most of those sunny days by taking your lunch break outside and away from your working environment. Soaking up some midday rays, as you relax a little before the afternoon tasks or therapy sessions. Siesta anyone?
Mindful journey in the workplace

If you don't have the opportunity to leave your workplace physically, you could try a mindful journey or perhaps a mindful, meditational five minutes. With the aid of that sunshine through the window. This brief escape can do wonders to reduce your stress levels and refocus your mind.
Begin by sitting (or standing) by a window. Feel the rays of the sunshine on your face, breath in and out, your breath natural and calm. Now with your eyes closed, begin to imagine yourself in your favourite spot in the sun, a beach perhaps. Now continue to breath in - a steady, slow breath - in and out - in and out. Looking around you in your minds eye, watching the waves wash inwards and outwards with each breath, as the sunshine warms your skin and glistens upon the water. And Relax..
Lastly.. Switch off notifications

We all do it. Works ended for the day but we just can't help checking our emails and with a flurry of push notifications bombarding our time what hope do we have of ever really relaxing. You may not even realise the intrusion but it's there, trust me. Time to switch off!
"Remember, self care is personal - the only essential factor is you enjoy it"
Authors Bio
Dionne is the Cofounder of The Counsellors Café and creator of the beautiful C.C. Magazine website. Terrible at delegating, when she's not working at T.C.C or spending time with family, you'll find her immersed in our Café culture. Enjoying a little #MeTime over a Latte at one of her favourite coffee houses, whilst reading a magazine or exploring a local antique shop. Searching for her next unique find.