One Step At A Time: Tackling Recovery Systematically
Once you or a loved one leaves rehab, the road to recovery is just beginning. Adapting to your life outside of rehab while remaining sober offers new challenges. You need to take addiction recovery one step at a time. Here are ten steps that you can include as you attempt to tackle recovery:

'Taking a systematic approach to recovery can help increase the chances of success'
Get rid of all addictive substances
Before returning home, all addictive substances should be removed from the house. Anything that could trigger a relapse should be eliminated. This includes any paraphernalia related to your addiction. You could perform this step before going to rehab or have a friend take care of it for you while you are in rehab.
Develop a treatment plan
A treatment plan should be created to address your specific needs. Before completing rehab, you should have a plan in place. This may involve finding narcotics anonymous or alcoholics anonymous meetings in your area. Therapy may also be beneficial, based on your specific needs.
Change your environment
In addition to getting rid of addictive substances, you may need to change your environment. If the area where you previously lived makes it difficult to get away from bad influences, then it could be easier to go through your recovery in a new environment.
Change your friends
Changing your environment may not be enough to help you with your recovery. You might need to change your friends. You should avoid contact with people that are currently using drugs or drinking alcohol.
Find ways to occupy your time
Having hobbies and tasks that can occupy your time will help you stay focused on your recovery. Boredom and anxiety can lead to relapse. You should try to come up with ways to stay busy. You could donate your time by volunteering at a charity.
Build a large circle of support
You should develop a large circle of support. Find supportive friends and family. You may also need to disconnect from people that are not supportive of your efforts to conquer your addiction.
Starting exercising every day
Alpine Recovery Lodge strongly recommends exercising regularly, as it offers numerous benefits. It can improve your mood, increase brain function, and boost your health. As you get your blood pumping, you begin to feel healthier and improve your recovery. It can also help you reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, which are common triggers of relapse.
Start eating healthy foods
Along with exercise, you should start eating healthy foods. Eating healthy can help increase your recovery. By building a structured routine that includes regular exercise and healthy eating, you can boost your ability to stay on track.
'Make it through one day at a time for the rest of your life'
Make it your priority
Your recovery should be your top priority in all aspects of life. Your sobriety should come before any other decision. This is not a short-term process. You will need to commit yourself to recovery for life.
Take it one step at a time
The final step is to remember to take it one step at a time. Go through one day at a time. While you should always have a solid plan in place, you should also focus on the present. Make it through one day at a time for the rest of your life.
Taking a systematic approach to recovery can help increase the chances of success. Adding structure to an addict’s life can help keep him or her on the path towards recovery. Professionals at Alpine Recovery Lodge in Utah recommends using these ten steps and make them a part of your recovery program. For additional support, find local clinics and support groups near you.
Authors Bio
Amy Rothermel is the Financial Director and co-owner of Alpine Recovery Lodge, Amy is heavily involved in the finances and marketing operations, working with insurance companies to get the most possible coverage available for the residents to support their recovery.
A graduate of Nevada State with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration, Amy also took Masters level math, finance and economics classes at UCSD. She is committed to the business end of daily operations and strives to use her knowledge of business processes to encourage the continued growth of Alpine Recovery Lodge. If you would like to get in touch with Alpine Recovery and hear more about their work you can do this via Twitter or Facebook.