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Diary of a Therapist: You've started your private's it going?

Mandy Randall-Gavin

I’m 3 months into starting my private practice as a Transactional Analysis Practitioner – a counsellor to anyone else. Life feels good. Still challenging, and good. Some days are more hopeful than others.

So far the journey has been a lesson in patience – actually, there’s been lots of lessons. The financial outlay has been considerable, which I knew would be the case, and had accounted for, so I’m not surprised. I’m not missing the life I lived at what felt like 100 miles an hour, for more than 30 years of my former working life in the corporate world.

I needed to change how I was working. Nursing an inherited heart condition (Hi Dad 😊xx) meant that sooner or later something would have to give. I want to live as long a life as possible and I believe I’ve increased my chances by changing how and what I work at.

I’ve taken up Pilates and am often starting the diet on a Monday…again. Self-discipline is hard to maintain as a constant and I’m kinder to myself when I relapse into comfort eating – much kinder than I used to be.

My client base is building slowly, and I’m feeling humbled by the material that’s shared with me and am grateful for the supervision I’ve had, to help manage some of that material and to check I’m working appropriately. Keeping my clients safe is paramount, together with keeping me safe. According to my Supervisor I’m “on the right track” with my clients, which I found reassuring, without daring to think I can become complacent.

My CPD is important to me and necessary for my UKATA and BACP membership. I recently attended a Couples Counselling Training, which was fabulous and gave me some potent tools to use and which I’ve already put into practice. There’s more of the same to come and I’m really looking forward to it. Added to this I’m attending a Training Day at the Hospice in September on Gestalt Psychotherapy, which I’m sure will be of great use in the realm of Loss & Bereavement Counselling.

Last week myself and two counsellors local to my area where I live got together to start a Peer Supervision Group, which will meet once a month – it’s so important to feel connected and learn from each other. This is in addition to the TA supervision I receive for my private client work and the supervision provided on a bi-weekly basis by the hospice I volunteer at.

So far I’m loving my new career and am grateful for everything the Universe sends my way. The unknown is scary and, although I can’t look into a crystal ball, I have faith that the business and my practice will continue to grow.

Author's Bio


Mandy lives in West Sussex, working as a qualified counsellor in TA Practice, with more than 6 years' Client experience. Mother, Wife, Artist and fledgling Cellist, Mandy works with adults and couples over 18, relationally, with what's in the room. Creative techniques and Mindfulness are practised where necessary.

Get in touch with Mandy at MRG Counselling & Psychotherapy

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