What will your vision board manifest?

Becky created her vision board privately with me online. A year later she reports on the
“Never ever underestimate the power of manifestation”
Almost a year ago I created a vision board with the amazing Mary Nondé during a workshop. That vision board sits in my office at home. Recently I’ve been blown away by the fact that most of the photos I placed on my vision board have become a reality!
“Tonight, as I write this, I was swimming in a river in France”
It felt familiar.I was suddenly reminded of a picture I had placed on my vision board. Of a still river similar to the one I was swimming in! With less algae perhaps. Although 2 days ago later that was questionable. We got out of the river only to be told that swimming wasn’t allowed due to algae levels. I scooted home to a hot shower. Luckily no bits fell off in the night. Nor was I glowing green the next day! See if you can spot it on my vision board.
“Go figure this manifesting ability out though”
Because we can manifest our lives.
I have provied it to myself.
It works on an unconscious level.
“Earlier this year I was in Italy”
Walking around Puglia and seeing phenomenal sights.
And yes, right there on my vision board was an Italian villa similar to the one we stayed in. I had no plans to visit Italy when I created it.
All I did was tear out of magazines all the pictures I was drawn to. The vision of places and things I liked came to me. I didn’t go searching for them.
“Now, when I look back over a year later, I see that each picture has become a reality”
The travel. The objects. The furniture.
Even the table laid for afternoon tea! I had a special afternoon tea party in my garden a few months ago….without realising it was up there on the vision board. Until I remembered it afterwards.
“What will you manifest for yourself?”
I really do encourage you to create your own vision board…..I’m about to create a new one. It’s quite phenomenal what you can manifest.
Vision Board workshop options
Thank you Becky for sharing the similarities between the images you laid down on your vision board and what subsequently transpired. It is the case that we can manifest what we have already visualised on our board many months previous. It’s only in retrospect, when we recall the images that appeared on our board months earlier, we are blown away by the synchronicity.
To make an intuitive vision board with me there are two options. The content is the same for both and the workshop duration is four hours. If you’re leaning towards privacy and facilitation dedicated to your needs then the private option is recommended. Private workshop. In-person or online the fee is £350. Please drop me an email with
your preferred dates/times. Or call me on 0782 7017188 to discuss. Group workshop. Visit here for the current dates. Read more about the workshop here and then reserve your place or put your name down for a future workshop.
About Mary Nondé
As the originator of the Intuitive Vision Board, I can show you how to create your big picture and become your own best authority over the direction your life should take when you rely more on your intuition and less on your logic. I should know this works even under duress. Once upon time a metaphorical hurricane whipped through my life and flattened the lot. Faced with a crisis of magnitude and blindsided by it, I created a new vision board. It was to be my lifesaver, providing solutions to my challenges in a way I would not previously have conceived possible.
I’m also the author of ‘Awaken Your Intuitive Vision – unlocking possibilities you never knew existed AVAILABLE ON AMAZON Or available to order from your local book store.