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Why is data protection important to my practice?

Counsellors Café

The fact is that we don't achieve much without using someone's personal data. We sometimes overlook the fact that every interaction with an individual or transaction requires us to process personal information. A psychologist or psychotherapist is no different.

In fact, this expertise often involves processing the most sensitive of personal data and therefore, understanding the obligation these laws represent will underpin your everyday work.

Since 2018 and the enactment of GDPR there have been hundreds of court cases, a multitude of official guidance and much commentary about these laws and how they are best implemented.

These laws can be complex but affect every organisation including sole traders who may process personal data. However, just when we were beginning to effectively tackle these regulations, the UK has announced its plan for a post Brexit privacy law. This will replace the EU regulation and the existing data protection act with some new obligations. It isn't clear yet as to what these changes may be, but they are likely to include the creation of a privacy management programme and the appointment and registration of a senior responsible individual.

These requirements do not currently exist.

There have also been some changes around where we store our data. If you are using any of the major online service providers such as Google or Microsoft your data is probably being stored in the US. This requires you to undertake a transfer risk assessment and agree suitable safeguards.

Our training courses are designed to ensure you are aware of your obligations and help you prepare for the future. This is important because not only are you required to be compliant with the law, but that people expect privacy to be a priority making this subject a business critical requirement.

Who we are

We are a family-run business passionate about delivering the best possible client support, we pride ourselves on our sector-leading trusted status and the client relationships that we have built over the years.

We have many years of experience in data protection practice and law, and we are proud to specialise in helping the voluntary sector. We are the only data protection consultancy trusted by The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) to deliver data protection advice and guidance, training, and Data Protection Officer (DPO) representation services. We are also endorsed by ACEVO, the Lloyds Bank Foundation and the Directory for Social Change. We are the only company to be trusted by all of these organisations.

It is our mission to ensure that all our clients, no matter the size located anywhere in the World, are compliant with data protection law, operate lawfully and ethically, are diligent and proficient in data processing activities, and ultimately confident they comply with their obligations.

Hope & May and Become Psychology are woking together to present the following training opportunity on Friday 28th of April.

GDPR Advanced training for Psychologists, Psychotherapists and Counsellors.

UK Data protection law is being reformed. As a sole trader and therapist in private practice you need to prepare for the new Data Protection and Digital Information Act as this will affect all individuals and organisations that process personal data. New obligations will include appointing and registering yourself as the Senior Responsible Individual with the Information Commissioner and creating a Privacy Management Programme. Join us to fully understand your new obligations and plan for future compliance.


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